- We are learning to live without air conditioning. When we first moved into the townhome I immediately noticed there wasn't central air. I freaked. Apparently when the listing said the place had "air conditioning" it didn't necessarily mean throughout the whole house. We do have window units in the upstairs bedrooms that work quite well. During the day we open up the sliding glass door and run 2 ceiling fans and it's fine because we get the tradewinds. At night we set a timer on the air for 2 hours then let the ceiling fans circulate all night. I'm anxious to get our first utility bill.
- I do a load (or 2) of laundry everyday..everyday! Jordan has 4 pairs of scrubs he rotates out so I might as well stay on top of it.
- I cook everyday..everyday! Who am I?! I fix Bradley and myself breakfast in the mornings, then have lunch ready for Jordan on his lunch break and then dinner every night. We've lived here 21 days and we've only eaten out 4 times. Again..who am I?!
- The 1st week I had some behavioral issues with Brad. Not listening..talking back..there were some tearful days if I'm being honest. We're back to doing a daily sticker chart with rewards and it seems to be doing the trick. I think the move/transition has been the hardest on him.
- I found a pre-school for Bradley to go to on Tuesdays and Thursdays that is literally right next door. He's loving it!
- Ian is just smooth sailing along on the ride. He is a pretty "easy" baby and fits perfectly in the fam. I cannot believe he will be 3 months old next week!
- We need a car. Like, ASAP. So far we've rented a car twice and it's been great, but I feel very isolated without one. There's only so far I can go walking distance and it's not the easiest with 2 children. Hopefully we can find a 5th semester student selling theirs for cheap at the end of the semester.
- I get lonely. All visitors are welcome.
So far I've been enjoying myself here. It's beautiful. Time feels like it goes a little slower here. They don't call it "the friendly island" for nothing..everyone is very nice and welcoming. I haven't encountered a rude, hateful person yet.
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