Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bradley's Preschool Valentine's Day party

The first week we were on the island Bradley kept asking me when he was going to daycare, or when he was going to see his friends. It broke my heart because I didn't know what to tell him. His little friendships at his daycare is what he has known (almost) daily since he was 2 months old. Luckily I saw a post on the Spouses Organization for a preschool Tuesdays and Thursdays for kids aged 2-4. Sign us up! I didn't care what the cost was I knew that Bradley needed to be there. 
Bradley's 1st day of preschool

Preschool has been great for him. Every week is  different theme and he's always so proud of his crafts. He is very sentimental and doesn't like to throw anything away!!
This week after class on Thursday was their little Valentine's Day party. I was so excited for his 1st actual "class party" that I had visions of going all out and being that "pinterest mom" however...I'm very limited on craft resources here on the island. Luckily I was able to borrow some construction paper and we brought tons of stickers. This is what I came up with:
The kids were able to do a card exchange and frost cookies. Bradley enjoyed himself and is still cherishing his Valentines from all his friends. Thanks Miss Christel!!


  1. That's so great! Can I have your address and mail you cards and such.

  2. That's so great! Can I have your address and mail you cards and such.
