Ian, you are 5 months old!!
Ian, you turned 5 months old on Easter! You are wearing 6-9mos clothes and size 3 diapers! I'm unsure of your exact weight, but I'm estimating right around 16 pounds, give or take a pound. You are still exclusively breastfed and nurse about 5 times a day for 15minutes or so, usually to fall asleep. You take a morning nap around 9:30am for about an hour, then a longer afternoon nap from about 1pm-3:30pm. Sometimes you take an evening nap around 7pm, and then down for the night around 9:30pm. You usually wake up around 3am to nurse, and then we end up co-sleeping into the morning. You are cuddly and affectionate!!One thing we have been dealing with is attachment issues. You are a mama's boy for sure!! You do not like to be put down, especially by mom, and you will cry until you are picked back up..by mom only. We got you a little activity car that you sit in that you seem to like at least for a little bit. You've outgrown your activity mat because you roll all over!! For Easter you got a foam ABC mat that will be easier for you to roll around on. One other thing to note this month is your skin issues. You have super sensitive skin, like mama. We had to try out multiple sunscreens to find out what works for you. Your poor eyes would get red, puffy and watery and you'd get red blotches all over. Turns out just plain Zinc Oxide is the best for your skin. It is thick, but does the job.
Overall, it has been another great month with you. You really are a wonderful baby and make us so happy! You have officially lived in St. Maarten longer than the United States so I guess that makes you a true island baby :) We love you, Ian!!
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