Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ian Alexander- 6mos old

Half a year?!
Happy 6 months, Ian!
I could probably say this every month, but where does time go?! Seriously. I cannot believe Ian is already half a year old. Maybe because he was only 8 weeks old when we got to the island, but it feels like time has just been going by so quickly! I'm cherishing every moment. Ian, you are still wearing 6-9mos clothes. You are kind of in between sizes..some 6 month clothes are a little snug, and some 9 months are way too big. You are still in size 3 diapers..we're guessing you still weigh around 16 pounds!

This month we introduced some baby food. We gave you some rice cereal, and some jarred baby food. You didn't seem too interested, so no biggie. We'll keep working on it! I prefer the baby lead weaning method of feeding versus purees with a spoon anyway. We got you a little highchair that straps onto the chair at the kitchen table and you love sitting at the table with us. You can sit now! We are still working on balance a little bit, but I'd say you can sit up unassisted 80% of the time. 

One thing I've noticed this past month is how much you love your brother Bradley! He can get you to laugh better than anyone else! You track him everywhere in the room and always reach out to him. It is really sweet to watch. My wish, as your mom, is that you and Bradley's bond stays strong your whole life! You are also playing with toys! If there's one you like, you sure have a tight grip on it! We still have some attachment issues, but it seems like they have lessened a little bit. You seem to be getting more comfortable with your daddy- you stayed with him for 2 hours while I was getting my hair done, and you even took a bottle from him. 
Again, happy 1/2 birthday sweet baby! We love you so much, Ian!

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